Table of Contents

Marklin 3356

3356 “Crocodile” Freight locomotive.

Swiss Federal Railways class Be 6/8

The marvelous Swiss Crocodiles, heavy freight locomotives developed for transportation over the Gotthard Pass, have made railroad history and have become the dream of model railroad as well as railroad enthusiasts. Whether in the Swiss Federal Railways brown or green version of the class Ce 6/8, they fascinate the adults and children more and more in the few examples that have been preserved in prototype operation. Even the men who once drove them over the Gotthard still speak lovingly of them today. Developed in the early period of electrification in Switzerland, they underwent numerous modifications in the course of their history, so that there are a large number of variations of them.

Length 230mm

Spare Parts

Contact shoe - 7164

Rubber tyres (4) - 7153

High efficiency motor - 60941

Light bulb - 610040

Pantograph - 259530

Decoder - Delta


1996 - Page 73

1997 - Page 85

1998 - Page 94

1999 - Page 94

2000 - Page 100

2002 - Discontinued

Digital (DCC) conversion

High efficiency motor - 60941

Decoder - ESU Lokpilot 5 - 59610 with DIY stay alive.

5mm warm white leds front and rear with 470 ohm resistors

Decoder CV Values

Set by us.

CV 113Address
CV 17205Long address 1
CV 1828Long address 2
CV 2954Configuration Register128 speed steps, enable analogue, Speed curve CV 67 - 94, Long address
CV 501Analogue modeAC analogue enabled
CV 113255Power Fail Bypass
CV 263128Special function CV1 Front LightSet for LED
CV 271128Special function CV1 Rear LightSet for LED

ESU Lokpilot recommendations

CV 23Start Voltage
CV 920Motor PWM Frequency (x1000Hz)
CV 5120«K Slow» Cutoff
CV 5220BEMF «K Slow»
CV 53110Control Reference Voltage
CV 5425Load Control Parameter «K»
CV 55200Load Control Parameter «I»
CV 56255BEMF Influence at VMin
CV 116100Slow speed BEMF Sampling periodx0.1 millisecond
CV 117150Full speed BEMF Sampling periodx0.1 millisecond
CV 11820Slow speed BEMF Measurement gap length VMinx0.1 millisecond
CV 11925Full speed BEMF Measurement gap length Vmaxx0.1 millisecond

Serial Number


DCC-EX Roster

ROSTER( 3356, “Marklin 3356 13303”, “Light/ / / / / / / / / / /”)