Build Images

Level 0 initial layout.

 level 0 build 1

 level 0 build 2

Helix and points wiring complete.

 level 0 build 3

Level 1 initial layout. This has some temporary turnouts near the ramp from level 0 for testing purposes.  level 1 build 1

First digital run

First digital run

3102 with some crates and transformer

Level 1 to level 2 ramp track layout.

 level 1 to level 2

Ramp will start midway around the curve at the bottom right of the photo.

When it gets to the two turnouts at the top it will be 120mm above level 1 and continue across the bridges to the station area.

Need to buy some more track though as I don't have the 5206 5/6 curves that I thought I had.

Level 1 to level 2 ramp construction

 level 1 to level 2 ramp

Setting up the start of the bridges and ramps.

 bridges and ramps

Level 2 support construction and testing sound dampening cork underlay.

 level 2 supports

 sound dampening cork underlay

Level 2 base completed and commenced cork underlay and track laying.

One arched bridge in place and most of the approach ramps installed. Sections of the level 2 base and suport to be trimmed once the railbus loop is in place.

Bridge supports are 3d printed to give the most room underneath for the two levels of track.

One can be seen lying on the base between the two arched bridges.

Arched bridges and approach ramps completed. Still need to put a support under the furthest end of the arched bridges in this photo.

Level 3 supports and base board in place. Ramps from level 2 to 3 need supports and fine tuning.

Completed the supports for the ramps to level 3.

Level 3 ramps

Laid out some track for between level 2 and for level 3. Then started planning some structures.

Changed the upper level plan yet again. Need some more points.

Finalised level 3 and have the track sorted. Just need to complete the cork underlay.

All points/turnouts wired up and controllable using Engine Driver and DCC-EX.

I'll be constructing a mimic panel and throttles eventually.

Added extra crossovers in the lower station area with 5146 switch tracks for position sensing.

Started on the IR sensors in the storage yard area. For each storage track there is an entry and stop position sensor.