====== Build Images ====== Level 0 initial layout. {{ :img20230314102415.jpg?400 | level 0 build 1}} {{ :img20230314102427.jpg?400 | level 0 build 2}} Helix and points wiring complete. {{ :img20230322122428.jpg?400 | level 0 build 3}} Level 1 initial layout. This has some temporary turnouts near the ramp from level 0 for testing purposes. {{ :img20230324130825.jpg?400 | level 1 build 1}} First digital run [[https://youtu.be/FE-E2L-YuK4|First digital run]] 3102 with some crates and transformer Level 1 to level 2 ramp track layout. {{ :img20230325123933.jpg?400 | level 1 to level 2}} Ramp will start midway around the curve at the bottom right of the photo. When it gets to the two turnouts at the top it will be 120mm above level 1 and continue across the bridges to the station area. Need to buy some more track though as I don't have the 5206 5/6 curves that I thought I had. Level 1 to level 2 ramp construction {{ :img20230327090839.jpg?400 | level 1 to level 2 ramp}} Setting up the start of the bridges and ramps. {{ :img20230327090853.jpg?400 | bridges and ramps}} Level 2 support construction and testing sound dampening cork underlay. {{ :img20230404143440.jpg?400 | level 2 supports}} {{ :img20230404143454.jpg?400 | sound dampening cork underlay}} Level 2 base completed and commenced cork underlay and track laying. {{ :img20230410175805.jpg?400 |}} {{ :img20230410175820.jpg?400 |}} One arched bridge in place and most of the approach ramps installed. Sections of the level 2 base and suport to be trimmed once the railbus loop is in place. {{ :img20230410175839.jpg?400 |}} Bridge supports are 3d printed to give the most room underneath for the two levels of track. One can be seen lying on the base between the two arched bridges. {{ :img20230415174235.jpg?400 |}} Arched bridges and approach ramps completed. Still need to put a support under the furthest end of the arched bridges in this photo. Level 3 supports and base board in place. Ramps from level 2 to 3 need supports and fine tuning. {{ :img20230415174220.jpg?400 |}} Completed the supports for the ramps to level 3. {{ :img20230417175043.jpg?400 |Level 3 ramps}} Laid out some track for between level 2 and for level 3. Then started planning some structures. {{ :img20230417175007.jpg?400 |}} {{ :img20230417175023.jpg?400 |}} {{ :img20230417175037.jpg?400 |}} Changed the upper level plan yet again. Need some more points. Finalised level 3 and have the track sorted. Just need to complete the cork underlay. {{ :img20230515113231.jpg?400 |}} {{ :img20230515113247.jpg?400 |}} {{ :img20230515113252.jpg?400 |}} All points/turnouts wired up and controllable using Engine Driver and DCC-EX. I'll be constructing a mimic panel and throttles eventually. Added extra crossovers in the lower station area with 5146 switch tracks for position sensing. {{:img20231125185710.jpg?400|}} Started on the IR sensors in the storage yard area. For each storage track there is an entry and stop position sensor. {{:img20231125185724.jpg?400|}}